Forensic Psychiatric Careers
BC Mental Health and Substance Use Services (BCMHSUS) provides health care and treatment services for the forensic population - clients who have come in contact with the law and have mental health and substance use issues. At this facility we also provide care for people who have been transferred temporarily from correctional centres to be assessed or treated under BC’s Mental Health Act.

Career paths range from corporate roles to clinical positions including nursing and allied health care professionals, physicians, social workers, administrative, housekeeping, food services, and more.
The Forensic Psychiatric Hospital is a 190-bed secure facility that treats people who have been found not criminally responsible for a crime or unfit to stand trial due to a mental disorder. The hospital's mandate is to work toward community integration when possible, recognizing that the prevalence of concurrent disorders (severe mental illness and addiction to substances) makes this population particularly vulnerable to additional health challenges.
Join this multidisciplinary team of psychiatrists, psychologists, social workers, nurses and other health care professionals, working in close partnership to make a difference in people's lives across BC. The team also includes a wide range of support roles, including peer support workers, spiritual care practitioners, Indigenous Elders, and forensic service officers.
In the video below, leaders and care providers at the BC Forensic Psychiatric Hospital discuss what to expect from treatment as they provide a tour of the facility.
The clinics serve individuals in the community who have come into contact with the law, and who have mental health and/or substance use disorders. Trauma-informed care is vital for this population, with many clients and patients having experience with past stigma, trauma, and adverse childhood experiences. Assessments and treatment are provided by health care professionals, along with nursing support, supervision, and monitoring.
Our regional clinic locations:
- Vancouver
- Victoria
- Nanaimo
- Prince George
- Kamloops
- Surrey
Each of the clinic sites is staffed by a multidisciplinary team, including psychiatrists, psychologists, medical physicians, RNs and RPNs, counsellors, and social workers.
Safe, stable housing is a critical part of every client's journey to recovery. Enhanced Care Housing is a new initiative intended to support adults with mental health and/or substance use challenges, and other health issues that are not adequately supported by the current model of supportive housing. It includes intensive, 24-hour housing support with specialized services, which aim to:
- Address daily living skills
- Help to implement better routines
- Increase awareness of mental illness
- Promote vocational and educational engagement
This new BCMHSUS program provides an excellent opportunity to be part of the future of care for the forensic population, working with dedicated leaders who use an evidence-based, trauma-informed approach to develop services. Enhanced Care Housing aims to provide the best service possible to improve health outcomes for clients, helping them to safely reintegrate into the community. The Enhanced Care Housing team comprises both health care professionals and support positions for all aspects of daily living (e.g. food services, housekeeping).